Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Not a Morning Person?

I worked in IT for over 20 years. The only part that I really hated was getting up in the morning.

Every morning, Monday to Friday, I'd leave the house, and experience the fresh air, the sense of a start to a new day, and all that other positive stuff. Then, I'd board the bus for work, and spend the rest of the day indoors, breathing indoor air, working in a cubicle or an office or, on one contracting job, a store room, eating in a food court. It was all at least as good as it sounds.

Now that I've retired - surrendered? - I've discovered the early morning walk. At 7:00 AM - sometimes earlier, sometimes later - on those days when I'm awake, I grab my MP3 player and my headphones, and I go for a walk.

There's an interesting morning community out there. Some people are walking their dogs, some running, some going to work or school. And ... the air is fresher, the day is brighter, the music is great!

Then I go back to bed.

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