Sunday, May 27, 2007

24/7 = 3.4285714285714285714285714285714

I'm really not a fan of clichés and shortcuts. The cool-belonging verbal-laziness of 24/7 and triple w [how hard is it to say 'www'?] makes me want to puke!

So, in that vein, I offer some shortcuts to avoid:

  1. 24/6: The orthodox Jewish businessman offers customer support and service 24/6.

  2. 24/7: It's not equal to Π - that's approximately 22/7.

  3. 24/8: The clichéing of the Beatles' song Eight Days a Week.

For those who keep track, the values are:

  1. 4

  2. 3.4285714285714285714285714285714

  3. 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Typical Playing field consist of 168 hours… that is the standard for every one.

I choose to play my hours like so :

• 49 hours for sleep (7 hrs per day)
• 7 hours for day prep/debrief (1 hr per day)
• 7 hours for excersize (1 hr per day)
• 14 hours for fueling the body (2hrs per day)
• 7 hours for travel (1 hrs per day)
• 14 hours for leasure/shopping/logistics

Sub total = 98 hours just for maintenance of life
= 70 hours balance for the creation of